
Winery wastewater treatment systems

Design, implementation, operational assistance, maintenance

The Clairéo treatment process is a 100% natural system and stands out for its simplicity of implementation and operation. It is based on simple process in three steps: collecting and areating winery wastewater in a large basin, filtering them through a reed-bed and then releasing them into the environment, filtered of their pollutants. The digital programming system makes it possible to tailor our solution to different business contexts and allows you to monitor operation in real time on-site, or remotely if desired.

The steps ofeffluent processing

1. 2. 3.

Aerate in tanks using micro-bubble technology

The first step is to set up a storage tank, with the goal of:
  • Oxygenating effluents,
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors,
  • Reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand from 15,000 mg/l to 300 mg/l (average before passing over the reed bed).

Filter through bed

Wastewater filters through drainage materials. This purification technique works by surface filtration and oxygenation. The goals here are:
  • 1. COD = under 125 mg/l
  • 2. BOD5 = under 30 mg/l
  • 3. Suspended material = 35 mg/l

Release into the environment

The water treated by the Clairéo system is filtered of all pollutants and meets required standards for release into the environment.
Soufflante Arrivée des effluents Transfert des effluents
Diffuseurs créant un vortex ascensionnel
Étape 1
Roseaux Phragmites Australis
Étape 2
Drain d'évacuation
Étape 3
Processus de fonctionnement

Aerobic winery wastewater treatment system

100% natural, simple and effective

The Clairéo winery wastewater treatment system is now used in France and in the world by more than 100 wine-growers. It allows our customers to international and local standards and qualifies for subsidies from public bodies such as the French Water Agency.

Our commitments

Design of your treatment system

We design your winery wastewater treatment system.

We can adapt the design to fit your vineyard:

  • Storing tanks underground
  • Basins

We operate on vineyards of between 20 and 1000 hectares.


In France we take care of every step of your treatment system's installation and construction.

Internationally, we assist local teams (as a project consultant) and we take care of set-up.


Subscribe to a preventive and curative maintenance contract, annual or multi-year to preserve your investments. This will allow you to :

  • Ensure the proper functioning of the system
  • Increase the service life of equipment
  • Be in compliance with the legislation and your certifications
  • Have a priority assistance service in the event of a breakdown

If you already have a Clairéo or another manufacturer's winery wastewater treatment system, benefit from a free visit to draw up a detailed report on your system condition. We will then do an upgrade of your system and repairs if necessary..

The Clairéo system in figures

+50 000 m3
of treated effluents each year
New systems implemented in 2019
at the IFV Sud Ouest (French Wine Institute) tender

More than 100 happy customers

in France and worldwide